Wow I’m in my 40’s and still learning, still experiencing. I’ve made a good enough life for myself and yet there is a desire for more. I have a good life with a wonderful husband yet I desire more from life. I want to educate, to teach, to mentor. I see a great need for this everyday. Disadvantaged young men and women are in need of inspiration and direction. And yes, those who are privileged may also have the same need. This page is about expressing my desire to make a difference.

Find Your Way

What does this all mean? We are here, we exist , but why? Is it all by chance or is does it have a purpose? We don’t ask ourselves these questions . We’re too busy with our everyday lives. We seem never to have the time to have a moment of calm and introspection. Take some time in your day for at least 15mins to do some deep breathing exercises and meditate on the meaning of life.


Find Your Purpose

Thanking you for 2020

2020. Yep it was not easy. But we survived it.